Home Scholarships Daad Scholarships : Start a new life in Germany in 2022

Daad Scholarships : Start a new life in Germany in 2022

Daad Scholarships : Start a new life in Germany in 2022
daad scholarhips

When it comes to Daad Scholarships, they represent one of the most desired programs on the planet. Many of the recipients of these scholarships considered it a true blessing.

And, being very honest, they are very generous!

The reason that they are so desired is due to several factors and precisely one of the main ones is that they are German scholarships.

And as is well known, Germany is one of the strongest and most demanding countries in terms of education.

Therefore, to people who have an idea of ​​what these scholarships are, their name evokes prosperity and advancement.

Achieving these scholarships means a firm step towards having an excellent resume, and of course, guaranteed job success.

If you are a person who is looking for scholarships that allow you to travel and expand your vision of the world, this is one of the most interesting options.

These scholarships are essentially available for all fields of study.

In this article, you will learn in-depth what Daad Scholarships represent and how you can become a beneficiary.

At the end of this article, you will have a clear idea of ​​how to start in the search for your scholarship to be chosen.

This is then an article that will help you understand how the German education sector finances the study of professionals on a global level.

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What will you discover throughout this post?

As we have described in other articles on our website, every student must know the entire universe that a scholarship entails.

It is important to educate yourself thoroughly before starting the scholarship application process.

Thanks to that, the person will have a perspective that will allow him to have a mature faith to be chosen.

And you can join the scholarship with a guaranteed high percentage of being chosen.

Therefore, this is an article that will clear all your doubts.

For example, you are going to know what kind of people this scholarship program is aimed at.

That is, if they are exclusive scholarships for undergraduate, graduate, or internships, among others.

Likewise, you will discover the additional benefits.

For example, if the Daad Scholarships propose food and transportation subsidies, in addition to the tuition payment amounts and all the requirements that you must meet in order for you to preserve your scholarship.

Finally, we will let you know what type of documentation you need to be elected, in addition to other important procedures that you cannot ignore.

Now that you have all this clear, let’s get to it!   

History of Daad Scholarships

The history of these scholarships dates back to 1925.

It is a project that was born in the city of Heidelberg, by the simple initiative of a student.

This student proposed that the university entities give a contribution to the students.

This contribution became solid thanks to the support of the student communities.

With the passage of time, a civil association of universities was formed and managed to establish funds to contribute to the fate of German and foreign students.

After almost ninety years of activity, this project managed to accumulate a figure of almost two million assisted students.

A support service that is being provided in more than 60 countries on the planet.

For this reason, the project has a network of 15 regional offices and around 57 official training centers.

The network of universities that have Daad Scholarships is very wide, thus facilitating study and professional training.

As there are more than 60 countries in the world that receive the coverage of Daad Scholarships , it is possible that your own country has its official website .

For example, there is an exclusive website for Colombia and another for Spain, among other Spanish-speaking countries.

By the way, the acronym Daad ( Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienstface ) stands for: German academic exchange services.

What are the benefits that Daad Scholarships offer with the scholarship program?

The most interesting thing about these scholarships is that they are totally open to all types of professionals or aspiring professionals.

Therefore, its coverage ranges from the same undergraduate training, to what are higher studies.

In matters of higher studies, it is necessary to speak of master’s degrees, postgraduate degrees, internships and administration specializations.

For example, these scholarships offer coverage in research and teaching.

Precisely, to improve the efficiency of universities, these scholarships have a program aimed at university administration.

This allows deans and professionals to be more efficient with their management.

Now, in concrete terms of benefits, Daad Scholarships focus on providing coverage in the value of tuition, airline tickets, food subsidies and financial support for school supplies, as well as medical insurance.

However, this coverage is not standardized.

That is, not all scholarships are the same.

It all depends on what the organization itself has oriented according to its institutions.

The times of remained are also relative.

For example, within short training courses, you can find programs that last only two weeks. What should be noted is that they are oriented programs for all study subjects.

Students who can apply for Daad Scholarships

As we have just pointed it out, these types of scholarships are aimed at all types of students.

It doesn’t matter what field of study you prefer.

The scholarships range from engineering to humanities, to others such as medicine, music, or architecture.

Likewise, if they are scholarships suitable for undergraduate and graduate students, then there is no age limit.

Think, for example, of what happens with programs oriented in university administration: they are courses for older people.

In that sense, the scholarships are very flexible.

What matters most to the Daad Scholarships is that you can demonstrate your interest in studying, that you make it clear that you have the necessary training and qualifications to apply.

Also, it is not always necessary to know German.

Although these scholarships are promoted by German entities, their focus is very broad.

For this reason, these scholarships can sponsor you to go to study at a university in Spain or the United States.

Although of course, you can also locate a scholarship that is available for the same country as Germany.

In fact, the courses are also offered for Germans who wish to study in other parts of the world.

In that sense, there is a great variety and what the organization does is open the doors and connect you with the world.

It is worth emphasizing that undergraduate courses are precisely that, courses, not scholarships for university careers in their entirety.

Requirements to apply for Daad Scholarships

To apply for scholarships, the student must be studying in a university institution, or be part of it, as is the case of deans or professionals in charge of administrative management.

In many cases, undergraduate courses are geared towards a better command of the German language. In such educational offerings, the student is required to learn German with a minimum level of knowledge of the language of B1.

The student will then travel to the chosen city and receive an intensive course that can go from one week onwards.

Sometimes, these are short periods of two weeks, but whose intensity allows the student to advance in level.

Although of course, it will not always be necessary to master a language. You may be lucky enough to choose a course offered in Spain, so you won’t have to master a second language.

If you go to English-speaking countries, then it will be necessary to have a certain level.

The other very important point about Daad Scholarships is that the organization that promotes them is not interested in the brain drain.

The student will travel, will be trained in another country, but has the commitment to return there.

That is one of the fundamental points to take into account. As it can also be the one that you have to maintain an average in your academic grades; But this already depends on the same institution that offers the scholarship and its relationship with the Daad entity.

Daad Scholarships opening period

Something very interesting happens with Daad scholarships.

And it is that these are not offered during specific dates. The calls are open for most of the year, especially when it comes to internships.

Internships and short courses are very common, so you can find a course available for months like April, May, July, among other months.

However, if you have to take into account the opening times for masters and postgraduate degrees.

Since in that sense the scholarships offer courses according to the academic calendars of certain countries.

As they are training programs that can last up to two years, you have to adapt to the beginning and end of the course.

For example, for studies that find scholarships in Spain, the periods to apply for scholarships usually close in August or September.

German universities usually close the offer of scholarships towards the month of July.

The same is true for German students, who could find scholarships for other countries, even to study at Latin American universities.

In that sense, it is already a matter of you being aware of the platform’s ads.

Daad Scholarship Coverage

When it comes to talking about figures and scholarships, it cannot be standardized.

At least that is what happens with these scholarships since the amount offered by the Daad organization is very relative and depends on the university you choose to pursue your scholarship.

However, it is known that coverage can reach amounts of around € 50,000 euros.

And if it is a maintenance amount, the value could be between € 100 to € 350 euros. Which is quite a considerable number to be able to focus on your studies and not worry about subsisting.

From the point where you look at it, the scholarships offered by this organization are considerably generous, considering that they take care of paying you other additional benefits.

In other words, to emphasize what has already been said, these benefits allow you to get the round trip by plane for free.

In addition, there is the coverage of travel insurance and medical services.

Why opt for this scholarship program?

The Daad Scholarships, being promoted by university institutions in Germany, will undoubtedly enhance your resume. Germany is one of the richest countries in terms of education. Therefore, it is a great option to professionalize yourself.

Besides this, it must be borne in mind that the variety of educational offerings is quite wide. You can start taking courses from your undergraduate training stage and as you progress you receive the support of this organization.

In terms of short training courses, there is a fairly broad focus on what is the study of German. In this way, the person can travel to the country of Germany to obtain a very positive advance in this language.

The other aspect that influences why you opt for these scholarships is that if you have the goal of settling in Germany, being a beneficiary of these scholarships will contribute greatly. This can be a reference so that you can establish yourself in that country.

Finally, it should be noted that these scholarships are quite generous in terms of benefits and payment amounts for university tuition . Paying child support will allow you to focus on your studies.

For all this, scholarships are an excellent opportunity to progress professionally.

Daad Scholarships Official Website

Meanwhile, the Daad organization has 15 regional offices globally and has participation in more than 60 countries around the world, the process to apply to the platform varies according to each country.

Likewise, you can find an excellent scholarship search engine filtered by subject and country to study in Germany through DAAD scholarships by entering here.

In order to apply for the scholarship, there is a system that allows you to filter the results according to whether it is an undergraduate or graduate scholarship, among others.

The system then refers you to a table where the scholarship is slightly specified.

But in turn, this table has a column where the downloadable PDF is located that tells you how to validate your admission to the university where the course will be taught.

Right there, you will be explained which documents to attach and how to link them.

Everything else will be waiting for you to be chosen.


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