Home Scholarships 12 best scholarships to study in USA in 2021

12 best scholarships to study in USA in 2021

12 best scholarships to study in USA in 2021

Study in the United States: Learn about the best options to make your dream come true.

Studying in the United States is the dream of many, so if you are one of them, it is imperative that you know the scholarships that could help you take this great academic step in style.

It is no secret to anyone that most of the American universities enjoy great world renown, and therefore, the academic demand will be increasingly high.

This means that the interest that students and postgraduates feel in studying in the United States will continue to strengthen by leaps and bounds over the next few years.

So, if you are thinking of continuing your academic preparation in American higher education institutions, it is best that you know which are the foundations or organizations that could help you financially speaking.

Scholarships to study in the United States

If you would like to know which are the best scholarships to study in the United States that most benefit international students and professionals, then keep reading carefully.

Today we will present you the 12 best financial aid programs in which you can support yourself to continue preparing and professionalizing yourself in your field of study.

You will see that when you finish this reading it will be clear which one would suit you best based on your profession, extracurricular qualities, academic average, or financial situation.

12 best scholarships to study in the United States

Next, we will give you all the details of the governmental and organizational scholarships that can help you fulfill your dream of studying in North America.

  1. Fulbright scholarships

The Fulbright Foreign Student Program is one of the most recognized today by those who wish to study in the United States.

It is administered by Binational Fulbright Commissions, Foundations or US Embassies in each country, so that all applications are processed by these offices.

Its purpose is to encourage young professionals, artists, and graduate students to continue their academic preparation at one of the allied American universities.

In other words, the continuity of their studies will take place in higher-level institutions located in North American territory.

Learn more about this scholarship by clicking here.

Call and study areas

Note that the deadline varies depending on each country, but it generally coincides in most of them.

Well, in terms of its areas of study, it is worth noting that this prestigious program covers all the fields offered by each of the participating universities.

What is the endowment of the scholarship?

This is one of the most important questions you should ask yourself if you are really interested in studying in the USA, and therefore, we will answer it immediately.

You see, the scholarships sponsored by the Fulbright program, with which Latin American students or postgraduates benefit, cover the following aspects:

  • The full cost of tuition.
  • The air ticket to the United States.
  • The personal expenses of the recipient.
  • Life insurance.
  • Food expenses.

Requirements to apply for this scholarship

They depend on each country of origin, but roughly we can tell you that they include the following:

  • Have the nationality of the country where you will apply for the scholarship.
  • Not having dual citizenship, much less having a residence of any kind in the USA.
  • You must reside in the country where you are applying for the scholarship at the time of starting your application and registration process.
  • Possess advanced knowledge in English (equivalent to 90 iBT on the TOEFL).
  • Have a university degree equivalent to a Bachelor’s degree ( Bachelor’s degree or Engineering), or a master’s degree related to the field of study that you are interested in continuing to explore through this scholarship program.
  1. AACE International Scholarship Program

Scholarships to study in the United States awarded by AACE International, which is a non-profit organization active since 1956, reward academic excellence.

They are open to foreign students who wish to continue professionalizing mainly in the field of engineering.

What is the endowment of the scholarship?

The endowment of this scholarship to study in the USA ranges between USD $ 2,000 and USD $ 8,000.

Call and study areas

The dates of the call for the 2019-2020 period have not been published, so you should be aware of the next announcements that AACE International will make through its website.

And as for their areas of study, because these scholarships are aimed at those university-level students who wish to continue training in:

  • Information technology.
  • Computer science.
  • Building construction.

Requirements to apply for this scholarship

  • Have completed a year of higher education study, that is, you must be enrolled as a full-time student at an accredited university.
  • Do not take the following careers: Electrical or Electronic Engineering, Architecture, Chemical or Mechanical Engineering, or any related to Aeronautical or Aerospace Engineering.

Learn more about this scholarship by clicking here.

  1. AAUW International Fellowships Program

This scholarship program to study in the USA granted by the American Association of the University of Women, (AAUW), for its acronym in English, is very interesting.

Do you wonder why? Well, because it focuses on helping international students to expand their studies (masters, doctorates or postgraduates), in North American territory.

What is the endowment of the scholarship?

Endowments vary depending on the type of study to be pursued in American institutions, so that:

  • To study master’s degrees, the endowment is USD $ 18,000.
  • To study for a doctorate is USD $ 20,000 dollars.
  • And finally, to study a post-doctorate it is USD $ 30,000 dollars.

Call and study areas

The call period will be open from August 1 to November 15, as announced on their official website.

Regarding the areas of study, it is known that AAUW scholarships cover all fields of the participating universities.

Consequently, you can specialize in Biochemistry, Political Science, Writing, Education and more, as long as you meet the requirements that we will share with you immediately.

Requirements to apply for the scholarship

At first, these grants were designed to promote the education of Latin American women, but today the range of opportunities has expanded considerably.

As such, currently, women from more than 100 nations have the possibility of applying for these scholarships to pursue higher or postgraduate studies in the USA.

But to study in the United States they must comply with the following requirements:

  • They must have a degree equivalent to a Bachelor’s degree (a bachelor’s or engineering degree).
  • Have good knowledge of English.
  • Not have US citizenship.
  • Scholars must have the intention of returning to their country of origin once they finish their studies in the USA in order to become leaders in their preferred areas (art, science, social activism, education, etc.)

Learn more about this scholarship by clicking here.

  1. PEO International Peace Scholarships

These scholarships to study in the United States are awarded by the PEO organization whose headquarters are located in Iowa, USA.

Its purpose is to help women reach their full potential through scholarships and other great projects.

What is the endowment of the scholarship?

The maximum amount that a student can receive is USD $ 12,500. However, these scholarships do not cover all expenses related to studying in the United States.

This means that the scholarship recipient must provide additional information on the financial resources they have to cover their expenses, such as family funds or other scholarships.

Call and study areas

The call for the 2019-2020 period has not currently been announced. However, these international scholarships are known to be valid for pursuing studies in the fields of science, or the arts, to name just a few.

Requirements to apply for the scholarship

  • Future scholarship recipients cannot be US citizens, nor have a permanent residence in the United States or Canada.
  • Those who will apply to this scholarship for the first time can only have one year of study left.
  • Scholarships are not awarded to take online courses or to conduct research or internships.

Learn more about this scholarship by clicking here.

  1. Point Foundation Scholarship Program

The Point Foundation is characterized by granting scholarships to study in the United States to those international students who actively participate in the LGBT community.

Currently, Point not only awards financial awards but also ensures that scholarship recipients feel fully supported during their study experience.

This means that each of them is assigned a mentor and offered the opportunity to participate in leadership programs and events to connect with other students.

What is the endowment of the scholarship?

The endowment of this scholarship to study in the United States depends on the financial needs of each recipient but generally does not exceed USD $ 10,000 annually.

Call for this scholarship

On November 1, the online application period for Point scholarships that will allow you to study in the United States will open, and it will remain active until January 28, at 11:59 pm PST.

Requirements to apply for this scholarship

  • You must have significant academic achievements.
  • You need to carry out work that implies improvements for the LGBT community.
  • You must have financial needs.
  • You need to openly identify yourself as a member of that community.
  • There is no minimum age to apply for these scholarships, but at least you need to be at the senior level of high school.
  • If selected as a finalist, you must be in Central or North America, in order to be transferred to Los Angeles when the study period approaches.

Learn more about this scholarship by clicking here.

  1. Ritchie-Jennings Memorial Scholarship Program

The Ritchie- Jennings Memorial Scholarships to Study in the United States allow you to complete masters or doctorates on fraud examination topics.

This approach is attributed to the rationale behind the program endorsed by the Association of Certified Fraud Investigators (ACFE), for its acronym in English.

What is the endowment of the scholarship?

The amount of the endowments ranges from USD $ 1,000 to USD $ 10,000.

In addition, the fellow has the possibility of accessing the ACFE student membership for one year.

Call and study areas

This year’s call has not been announced, however, we invite you to be very aware of the portal of this scholarship in the coming months so that you do not miss the official announcement.

Now, in terms of their areas of study, you can specialize in areas related to business administration, accounting, finance, and of course, criminal justice or anti-fraud.

Requirements to apply for this scholarship

  • Future scholarship recipients must be enrolled in an accredited university in the United States, regardless of their nationality, or whether they are international students.
  • They need to have a degree in some of the areas of study that we just mentioned in the previous segment.
  • They must provide three letters of recommendation and preferably one of them must be endorsed by a Certified Fraud Investigator.

Learn more about this scholarship by clicking here.

  1. Earl Warren Scholarship Program

These scholarships to study in the United States are awarded by the NAACP Legal Education and Defense Foundation.

It is an organization that defends racial justice through litigation, public education, and structural changes that promote democracy and social justice.

What is the endowment of the scholarship?

It is usually USD $ 10,000 annually for 3 years, although this amount can be as high as USD $ 30,000, as long as the student commits to completing their studies and also maintains a good academic record.

Call and study areas

The deadline to apply was May 1 of this year, but if you keep an eye on the program’s official portal you will be able to find out in time about the next call.

The areas of study are those related to the legal branch, that is, if you are interested in specializing in Law, this scholarship could be very interesting.

Requirements to apply for this scholarship

  • Prospective fellows must be in their first or second year of law at an accredited law school.
  • They are not required to have a GPA result as candidates are chosen holistically or based on their achievements or contributions to the cause that the program defends.

Learn more about this scholarship by clicking here.

  1. Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship Program

They are scholarships that benefit Latin American women, or of any other nationality, to study for a doctorate or master’s degree in the United States.

What is the endowment of the scholarship?

For the academic period 2019-2020, the endowment is USD $ 10,000.

Call and study areas

The application period for 2019-2020 has already closed but will open again in the fall of 2019, according to the information displayed on its website.

The areas of study admitted in this case are engineering, computer science or some other similar technical area.

Requirements to apply for this scholarship

  • Candidates must be in their final year of undergraduate or engineering.
  • The average grade for your GPA studies must be 3.5.
  • They must demonstrate a prominent academic record.
  • They need to set an example in leadership and demonstrate a strong passion for promoting the inclusion of women in computer science.
  • They must provide a letter of recommendation from a teacher, instructor, counselor, or supervisor.

Learn more about this scholarship by clicking here.

  1. Henaac Scholarship Program

These scholarships to study in the United States benefit Hispanic American students and are awarded by the World Scholarship Forum, or the World Scholarship Forum, through the Great Minds Organization.

In short, they are sponsored by the Government and other companies and can be scholarships for special recognition, memory, or personal tribute.

What is the endowment of the scholarship?

The amount of the endowment ranges from USD $ 500 to USD $ 10,000.

Call and study areas

The application process for the 2019-2020 period opened in February of this year, and in terms of its areas of study, it is known that they are related to science, engineering, mathematics or technology.

Requirements to apply for this scholarship

  • Candidates must score 3.0 on their GPA exams in order to apply.
  • They need to be enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program at an accredited university.
  • They must have a degree in science, technology, engineering or mathematics.
  • It is imperative that they be of Hispanic origin and also serve actively within this community.

Learn more about this scholarship by clicking here.

  1. Women In Aerospace Foundation Scholarships

This foundation will award scholarships to women of any nationality who are interested in making aerospace studies in the United States.

What is the endowment of the scholarship?

The amount awarded to the selected ones is USD $ 2,000.

Call and study areas

The application period for this scholarship to study in the United States ends on July 18.

And as for their areas of study, they have to do with the aerospace field, science, mathematics or engineering.

Requirements to apply for this scholarship

  • Candidates must have completed at least two and a half years at a university in order to apply for the scholarship.
  • They need to be enrolled in a university in the United States or plan to do so in the following academic year.
  • Each candidate must have a university average of at least 3.0

Learn more about this scholarship by clicking here.

  1. John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Scholarships

These scholarships to study in the United States can last between six months and a year and benefit students or artists from any field of knowledge, although their inclination is mainly artistic.

What is the endowment of the scholarship?

This foundation is characterized by not publicly announcing the amount of the amount to be awarded.

However, on their page, they emphasize that they try to be equitable with the endowments of each selected candidate and assure that each year they grant almost 200 scholarships.

Call and study areas

The call will close on September 17 and composers, choreographers, artists, writers or scientists are eligible to apply.

Requirements to apply for this scholarship

  • Candidates must demonstrate exceptional creative abilities in the field of the arts.
  • Interested parties should provide letters of reference.

Learn more about this scholarship by clicking here.

  1. Annie’s Sustainable Agriculture Foundation

With these scholarships, you can extend your studies in sustainable agriculture in the North American territory, regardless of your nationality.

This foundation seeks to create a positive social impact and demonstrate that “socially conscious” businesses can be started.

What is the endowment of the scholarship?

The amount ranges between USD $ 2,500 and USD $ 10,000 annually.

Call and study area

The call for applications for this year closed in March, but if you are interested in applying next year be sure to visit its official website at the beginning of 2020 if you study a career related to Regenerative Agriculture.

Requirements to apply for this scholarship

  • Candidates must be in the process of studying sustainable or regenerative agriculture or have a degree in order to request this contribution.
  • They are not required to submit financial reports at the time of application.
  • The endowments are not delivered directly to the scholarship recipients but to the institutions where they will continue their studies.

Learn more about this scholarship by clicking here.

Scholarships: excellent study opportunities

Well, now that you know the 12 best scholarships to study in the United States, you just have to define the one that best suits you and make sure you are a good candidate.

Do not forget to visit the official pages of each of the foundations or organizations that offer these endowments to complete studies in American universities, because there you will expand the information that interests you most in a reliable way.

Are you ready to study at an American university? With these scholarships, you could enter the country through the front door. To your success!


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